Thursday, November 14, 2013

Rehearsal Day - AFA Marble Wonderland 2013


As some of you might know, I was very lucky to get selected to participant in this year Afa Marble Wonderland Fashion Show as one of the models (●´∀`●). So, we were asked to meet up at the Asia Kawaii Way booth a day before Afa for rehearsal.

This is how the booth looked like after set up. 
かわいいでしょ ヾ(☆▽☆)??

They sold a wide variety of Japanese make-up products like Dollywink, Priscilla Wigs and many more~

Then we were given our AFA access pass...

The pass is super cool!!
With it, we got full access around AFA anywhere and any time like a boss (/^▽^)/ !! Hehe!!

Sneak peak of the stage that we will be performing.
They were in the process of setting it up back then ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ .

Backstage, they showed us to our outfits for fitting...

This is how the outfit chart looks like for the planning of looks for each models...
Can you spot me ( ゚з゚)

After I was done with the fitting of my assigned outfit, which I will show you in my next post, it's time to do my hair~!

They gave me a lavender colored wig!!
It's such a lovely color  (⌒▽⌒)...

Sneak peak of how the wig looks on me...
I really like the wig a lot! The hairstylist cut and styled it to make it looked so lovely (ノ゚0゚)ノ ~ Though I like to see girls with lightt hair color, I am never a fan of having brightly colored hair on myself as I don't think I can carry it well ( *___*).

Still, I did try my best for the show!!
I was allocated to the Tokyo Kawaii stage, and most of the models on that theme were given pretty gloves, wands, headbands, and a beautiful pair of WINGS (*≧▽≦)~!! Yes!! WINGS!!! I didn't think that I will be given wings for the show and I was so happy when they gave me one as it reminded me of the prestigious Victoria Secrets fashion show. それはとてもすごいね~!! However, ours are a lot smaller yet way more adorable as compared to VS. I still love those wings nevertheless (´∀`)♡!!

While waiting for our rehearsal to begin, I took many photos with the other SG models that were selected for Marble.

The very pretty Reiee who was on stage for the Shibuya Style~

She looks like a Korean model huh (~ ̄▽ ̄)~? I think she's the kind of model who can wear any clothes and make them look chic! On the side note, she likes to take self-shots of herself with my costume accessories like my yellow gloves, wand, and headband o(≧o≦)o. So, whenever I couldn't find one of my gloves, I knew who to look for hurrr~...

Here's the forever cool-looking Slaye Doll who was assigned to the Harajuku Sea Punk Style!! I only manage to show you guys one photo with her because the rest of the photos we took together were somehow blurry that day (っ﹏-) . This girl actually looks really sweet when she smiles despite her cool appearance. Should smile more huh (*≧▽≦)ノ~!!

Lastly, the 'I-am-so-kawaii', Vivian-chan (ノ≧∀≦)ノ!!

She really got that baby girl face that always make me go "awww~ she's so cute~", which we didn't understand why they put her on the FIG&VIPER theme. We agreed that Vivian and Slaye Doll should exchange roles but sadly, that didn't happen lol. Nevertheless, she still tried her best to appear fierce on the show
 . Good job, girl~  ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ!!

Immediately after my rehearsal, I met up with my dear who waited for me for more than an hour after his work ('∀'●)♡.

We had a quick bite at PapaRich as I was feeling very hungry after all the fitting and walking~

My very yummy honey toast~!!

And his sweet icy dessert (*≧▽≦)...

But the dessert is not as sweet as him ლ(´ڡ`ლ)... 
See what he bought for me while he was waiting~!!

かわいいでしょ \(@ ̄∇ ̄@)/??!!
What a cuteeeee~ blanket nehh~!!! It's really comfortable and warm too!! I get cold pretty easily whenever I am at home using my laptop which is why he got this for me. So thoughtful of him huh o(≧∇≦o)?  Even though I wouldn't have allowed him to buy it if I were there with him as the blanket cost $30! To me, it's too pricey for a small blanket, but he never listens, and always spoiling me with cute gifts like this ≧△≦ 

Anyway, I will post the next AFA Marble Wonderland Fashion Show shortly  (I hope) with more photo of the event and Japanese models~!!

♔ Thanks for reading and see you 


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