Sunday, June 23, 2013

Third Day at Tokyo: More shopping!


Yes, this is going to be another shopping post... 

However, unlike our second day in Tokyo, we went to a place that is quite popular for selling cheaper items (´∀`)♡!

My OFTD~ Alice looking dress with twin tail hehehehe!!
 How do you like it  (/^▽^)/??
Twin tail is a very popular hairstyle in Japan which they even dedicate an official day - February 2, known as the Twin Tail Day, to celebrate the hairstyle. 
You can view the official website for more information on the Twin Tail Project.

With it, we set off to our shopping destination ヾ(☆▽☆) !!

Here's my dear purchasing our subway tickets like a BOSS (゜∀゜)~!
He's already a pro at it, so I need not worry about finding my way around Tokyo with him by my side hehe! Lucky me ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ!!!

We got on the train!! 
I look so weird in this photo but since my dear is looking cool, I'll post it up (*´▽`*)

Before we head off to do our shopping, we visited a ramen shop nearby the area for lunch.

Hungry couple waiting for ramen >_<.

Once the food arrived, we quickly dug in...

And here's my half-eaten ramen...
It was very good (ノ≧∀≦)ノ~~!! 
If you are lost and don't know what you should have for lunch/dinner in Japan, always visit a ramen store, because 9 out of 10 times, you will find yourself in love with what you eat.
That was what happen to us!! 
Ever since we tasted our first ramen in Japan, we visited every ramen stores we encountered along the way and ate ramen for 3 days straight ヽ(`◇´)/!! 

Definitely, no ramen in Singapore can be compared to the ones in Japan.
The price of a bowl of ramen is way cheaper than Singapore too, and with no GST and service charge ◕‿◕
How worth it huh?

You can expect their gyoza to be superb too!

Then it's shopping time right after lunch (/^▽^)/!!
And our shopping destination was...

It's a place full of cheap deals and items for sales ヾ(☆▽☆)!!

Look at all the lovely bags!

And shoes too!!
All in very very cheap deals!!

I didn't take many photos of the place as I was busy shopping!
Even though everything seems so cheap there, I ended up spending 18000 yen on myself, souvenirs, and gifts for my family and friends ╥﹏╥.
But you can get a lot more things here with 18000 yen compared to Shibuya or Harajuku.

Two tops that I bought for 780yen (approx. S$10) and 1280yen (approx. $17) respectively.
Cheap huh ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ??

Some of the loots we got at Shimamura~

So, after shopping, we headed back to our hotel.
It was getting dark and we were looking for a place for dinner...

...and we found ourselves at Tokyo Dome City.

It's an amusement park!!
We didn't know there was an amusement park near our hotel 0.0!!
Photo credited to my dear ( ̄ー ̄)~

It seems quite fun but we didn't get to play as it was rather late and we wanted our dinner.

We also saw an Shonen shop that sells all sort of anime merchandise ranging from One piece to Gintama to Dragonballs and many more!!
But sadly, the shop closed on us before we got the chance to step in ≧△≦.
So we got no choice but to plan another day to go there.

We had been walking for quite some time but still didn't know what to eat...
That's when we ended up in a convenience store nearby.

My dear doing what he loves most in Japan - buying drinks and snacks (¬‿¬).
I think that's where he spent most his money at.
But I can't blame him because the convenience shops in Tokyo are awesome~!!
They have all sort of drinks,  nicely packed bentos, and the best part is they will provide you with free utilities such like chopsticks, toothpick, spoons, and even small packets of sauce on every purchases.
What thoughtful service  (-^〇^-).

So I psycho-ed my dear to buy some food back to our hotel for dinner, and I ended up eating...

My favorite cup noodles!!
Banzai ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ!!
I can no longer find this cup noodles in Singapore (>д<). They probably stopped importing, I don't know, but I was happy to be able to eat it in Japan!! Hehe~
The sign on the chopstick wrapper said: Toothpick may hurt your finger.
Hahaha!! Once again, how very thoughtful of the Japanese to place a warning sign for the free packet of utility that comes with the cup noodles.

Ending the post with a picture taken by my dear~
Dango!! Dango!!
I always wanted to try it, so my dear got it for me that night, but I was so disappointed because I didn't like how it tastes  ( ´△`).

No more dango for me next time... hurhur~...
Bye-Bye ヽ(;▽;)ノ,


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